Allon Lefever brings the right amount of hands-on experience to captain his book, Launching the Entrepreneur Ship. Besides being part of two-dozen business start-ups, having served in senior management positions in agriculture, manufacturing, and Internet-provider companies, being asked to be part of corporate public boards and private boards, as well as many nonprofit boards, and having helped obtain over $4 billion in capital, Lefever has a deep sense of understanding about the importance of entrepreneurship in America and around the world.
“Filled with engaging real-life stories, astute observations on what it takes to launch a business, and just the right amount of encouragement, Launching the Entrepreneur Ship sails right along. Let Allon Lefever captain your entrepreneurial effort.”
“In Launching the Entrepreneur Ship, Allon Lefever shares his entrepreneurial experience, which will give you good, solid advice as you contemplate moving forward with your own ideas. As he states in his book, ‘There is always room for entrepreneurs in this crazy world in which we live.’ His advice comes with authority and clarity that any budding entrepreneur desperately looks for. If you have a desire to be an entrepreneur, this book will help you find your way through passion and perseverance.”
“Where most people only see change, the entrepreneur sees opportunity. Most of us lived wide-eyed through the technological revolutions of the 1980s and 1990s—the invention of the PC, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. Allon Lefever and his son Rod saw opportunity. They started an ISP in 1993 and reaped the benefits. Allon distilled his hard-earned business lessons for a generation of college students, and now he’s summarized those lessons in the highly readable Launching the Entrepreneur Ship, so you, too, can launch your ship!”